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This bibliography lists the research materials consulted to produce this website. Visit our Additional Resources page for other suggested reading about early Spanish and British Colonial rule in Florida.

I.  First Spanish Period (1565-1763)

 Arana, Luis Rafael

1964    The Alonso Solana Map of Florida, 1683. Florida Historical Quarterly 42(3):258-266.

Boniface, Brian G.

1971    A Historical Geography of Spanish Florida, circa 1700. MA thesis, University of Georgia, Athens.

Boyd, Mark F.

1939    Spanish Mission Sites in Florida. Florida Historical Quarterly 17(4):255-280.

1948    Enumeration of Florida Spanish Missions in 1675. Florida Historical Quarterly 27(1):181-188.

Boyd, Mark F. (trans. and introduction)

1949    Diego Pena’s Expedition to Apalachee and Apalachicolo in 1716. Florida Historical Quarterly 28(1):1-27.

1952    Documents Describing the Second and Third Expeditions of Lieutenant Diego Peña to Apalache and Apalachicola in 1717 and 1718. Florida Historical Quarterly 31(2):109-139.  

Chatelain, Verne

1941    The Defenses of Spanish Florida, 1565 to 1763. Washington: The Carnegie Institution, Publication 511.

Hann, John H.

1986    Translation of Governor Rebolledo’s 1657 Visitation of Three Florida Provinces and Related Documents. In Florida Archaeology No. 2:81-146. Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Tallahassee.

1988    “Villages and Missions of Apalachee and Apalachicola,” pp. 24-69. In Apalachee: The Land between the Rivers. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.

1990    A Summary Guide to Spanish Florida Missions and Visitas with Churches in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Washington, D.C.: OFM Conference, Academy of Franciscan History. Reprint with illustrations added from The Americas 46 (1990):417-513.

1993    Visitations and Revolts in Florida 1656-1695. Florida Archaeology No. 7:1-296. Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, Tallahassee.

1996    A History of the Timucua Indians and Missions. Gainesville: University of Florida Press

Hann, John H. and Bonnie G. McEwan

1998    The Apalachee Indians and Mission San Luis. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

McEwan, Bonnie G., ed.

1993    The Spanish Missions of La Florida. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Worth, John E.

1998    The Timucuan Chiefdoms of Spanish Florida, Volume 1 & 2. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Oré, Luís Gerónimo de

1936    The Martyrs of Florida (1513-1616). Maynard J. Geiger (Ed. and trans.), Franciscan Studies 18. New York: J. F. Wagner.

Palacios, Pedro

1675    Report about the voyage to Florida of Bishop Gabriel Díaz Vara Calderón. In Díaz Vara Calderón 1675b. Translation in John H. Hann, A History of the Timucua Indians and Missions (1996). Gainesville: University Press of Florida.

Wenhold, Lucy L. (ed. and trans.)

1936    A Seventeenth-Century Letter of Gabriel Díaz Vara Calderón, Bishop of Cuba. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 95(16):1-14. 

II. British Period (1763-1783), when remnants of some mission settlements were still visible:

Bartram, John (visited in 1765)

1942    Diary of a Journey Through the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida From July 1, 1765 to April 10, 1766. Edited by Francis Harper. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 33(1).

Bartram, William (visited in 1774)

1955    The Travels of William Bartram. Edited by Mark Van Doran. New York: Dover Press.

Purcell, Joseph (surveyor)

1778    A Map of the Road from Pensacola in W. Florida to St. Augustine in East Florida Made by Order of the Late Hon. Col. John Stuart. A digitized copy of the map is available in sections through the University of North Carolina Crown Collection. This is often referred to as the Stuart-Purcell map since it was requested by John Stuart who was the British superintendent of the Indians of the southern colonies.

For more on the Stuart-Purcell map, see the following:

Boyd, Mark F.

1936    The First American Road in Florida: Pensacola-St. Augustine Highway, 1824. Part II. The Quarterly Periodical of the Florida Historical Society 14(3):138-192.

1938    A Map of the Road from Pensacola to St. Augustine, 1778 (with nine plates). Florida Historical Quarterly 17(1):15-24.

As Boyd notes, much of the 19th-century road has been reconstructed from reports written by Captain Daniel E. Burch to his commanding officer, Brig. General Thomas S. Jesup, Quartermaster of the U.S. Army. Brig. General Jesup would later lead troops against the native population during the Second Seminole War.

See also:

Ellis Archaeology

1996    Bellamy Road Archaeological Study: Summary Report. Manuscript on file, Florida Park Service, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee.

Williams, John Lee

1908    The Journal of John Lee Williams (included in series “The Selection of Tallahassee as the Capital”). Florida Historical Quarterly, April, 1908, 37-44 and July, 1908, 18-29.
