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Aida Rodriguez

Florida Folklife asked our artists a series of questions to learn more about their traditions and how those traditions have impacted their lives and the lives of those around them. Take a look at the answers we got from Aida Rodriguez below.Photo of Aida Rodriguez demonstrating her art to a visitor at the Florida Folk Festival


What folk tradition(s) or traditional art(s) do you practice?

Mundillo (Bobbin Lace)

How did you learn those traditions?

I learned this tradition through my former teacher Mrs. Aida Etchegoyen. I learned this with the help of the Florida Folklife Program.

Why is it important to maintain folk traditions?

Because it gives others the opportunity to learn a trade that they are interested in learning

How did you first get involved with the Florida Folklife Program?

I was invited to participated at a festival that was held in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

What Florida Folklife Program projects have you participated in and/or what folklife awards have you received?

I participated in two projects. I taught a complete eight-month Apprenticeship back in 2012-2013 with Maria Pino and another eight-month apprenticeship in 2016-2017 with Rosa Plana and Nivia Gracia. I did not receive any awards but it gave me the satisfaction to participate and most of all it gave me the satisfaction to introduce these two ladies to this art.

How has the Florida Folklife Program benefited you or what value does the program have?

I benefited me by giving me the opportunity to pass to others an art that is very old and valuable. The program is very valuable because it gives others the opportunity to learn something new and cannot afford to pay for.

How can the Florida Folklife Program better serve you?

I was very satisfied with the program. It gave me the opportunity to meet other great artist. I feel that the program could better itself by offering festivals in nearby areas so others can participate. I was very happy to participate and had a great time.
