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Food Cultivation at The Grove

Enslaved people cultivated kitchen gardens at The Grove and at other plantations owned by the Call family. Food produced on 500 acres of farmland on these plantations fed the enslaved families as well as the people who claimed them as property. Similar to other plantations in Middle Florida, typical crops included peas, sweet potatoes, corn, beans, and squash. In addition to growing food for people, enslaved people also grew crops that provided fodder for the animals they cared for, including pigs, oxen, mules, and horses. In 1850, there were 100 swine counted for tax purposes at The Grove. Another 200 pigs were listed at Orchard Pond plantation, near Lake Jackson and also owned by the Call family. Enslaved people butchered the pigs and smoked the meat for home consumption and for sale. Also in 1850, the skills of enslaved people produced 365 lbs. of butter and 50 gallons of molasses on the plantations owned by the Call family. (Image: Lithograph of plantation on Lake Jackson - Leon County, Florida,
