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Deland Naval Air Station Museum

Volusia County

Barbara Storz, Volunteer

The DeLand Naval Air Station Museum (DNASM) preserves local and state military history for the education of the public. Located at the DeLand Municipal Airport, the all-volunteer museum is housed in one of the last remaining WWII buildings on the former DeLand Naval Air Station 1942-1946 site and is recognized on the Local and National Registers of Historic Places. By presenting vintage artifacts, documents, photographs, books, videos and other memorabilia, we ensure that future generations honor the service and sacrifice of all veterans who protect our freedom.

Because of DCA...

DNASM continues to preserve our military heritage in away that respects those who came before us to protect our freedom.
Photo of a group of veterans in front of a World War Two era airplane

DNASM welcomes thousands of local, state, national and international visitors each year for educational tours, programs and fundraising events. Admission is free to the public. Volunteers rely entirely on public donations, grant awards and in-kind contributions from community partners.Funding from the Division of Cultural Affairs has increased the public interest and impact of our small, volunteer museum by enabling the purchase of refreshed marketing materials and new educational displays. DCA’s funding is a key part of the museum’s success, and thanks to their support we are proud to continue representing the great state of Florida through our work.
